60 research outputs found

    Universal Design for Learning: The More, the Better?

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    An experimental study investigated the effects of applying principles of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Focusing on epistemic beliefs (EBs) in inclusive science classes, we compared four groups who worked with learning environments based more or less on UDL principles and filled out an original version of a widely used EBs questionnaire or an adapted version using the Universal Design for Assessment (UDA). Based on measurement invariance analyses, a multiple indicator, and multiple cause (MIMIC) approach as well as multi-group panel models, the results do not support an outperformance of the extensive UDL environment. Moreover, the UDA-based questionnaire appears to be more adequately suited for detecting learning gains in an inclusive setting. The results emphasize how important it is to carefully adopt and introduce the UDL principles for learning and to care about test accessibility when conducting quantitative research in inclusive settings

    Exploring Data Mining in Chemistry Education: Building a Web-Based Learning Platform for Learning Analytics

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    The integration of learning analytics and artificial intelligence methods into education is part of the latest developments and significantly affects chemistry education (research): researchers might face the challenge of collecting and analyzing content-rich data sets involving interdisciplinary approaches from computer science, chemistry, and chemistry education. Developing a learning platform offers a higher degree of freedom compared to using existing Learning Management Systems. This paper presents a step-by-step overview of how we designed and created the web-based learning platform “I3Learn”. This concrete example showcases how the content management system WordPress can be utilized to develop an online learning infrastructure that enables the application of learning analytics methods. Our approach allows collection of time-accurate log files concerning individual usage behaviors without programming skills. The step-by-step overview enables chemistry education researchers to set up a customized web-based learning platform and lay the data foundation for learning analytics. The value of the I3Learn platform is shown through a compelling use-case scenario involving 580 9th- and 10th-grade learners in German chemistry classrooms. In this scenario, we collected and analyzed half a million log files, and we report exemplary results and insights from the data

    Kriterien naturwissenschaftsdidaktischer Unterrichtsqualität – ein systematisches Review videobasierter Unterrichtsforschung

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    Aiming at systematizing science education and rather generic perspectives on the quality of instruction, this article presents a systematic review of quantitative video studies from science education. Based on a description of the specifics of goals, contents and methods of science education and a literature research, using the PRISMA statement, the items and criteria of 28 video studies were systematized and compared to an interdisciplinary-oriented generic framework. That framework originated from generic classroom research and distinguishes between dimensions and subdimensions of quality of instruction. A coding method was implemented that differentiates between three degrees of congruence. The objectivity of the encoding was verified with a double encoding (0.66 < κ < 0.78). The results show that a total of 388 criteria could be extracted and compared to the framework. Overall, we found a high degree of comparability between science education and generic perspectives, even though terminologies and content-related emphases can turn out to be different. The article discusses the extent to which the extended framework of generic and science education dimensions of teaching quality can facilitate interdisciplinary communication and which research perspectives emerge from the mutual reflection of the disciplines as well as from the interplay of subject-specific goals, contents and methods.Im Kontext des Themenheftes „Die Verortung von Merkmalen der Unterrichtsqualität zwischen Generik und Fachspezifik“ bestehen die Ziele des vorliegenden Beitrags darin, einen systematischen Überblick über die in quantitativen, naturwissenschaftsdidaktischen Videostudien angewendeten Kriterien zur Konzeptualisierung und Messung von Unterrichtsqualität zu geben und inhaltliche Beziehungen zu generisch konzeptualisierten und formulierten Kriterien der allgemeinen Unterrichtsforschung herzustellen und zu reflektieren. Im Rahmen eines systematischen Reviews wurden dazu die Kriterien, Operationalisierungen und Beobachtungsitems von 28 Videostudien analysiert, ordnend zusammengefasst und in Beziehung zu einem generisch orientierten Syntheseframework zur Unterrichtsqualität gesetzt, das drei Ebenen unterschiedlicher Auflösungsgrade umfasst. Es wurde ein Kodierverfahren umgesetzt, das wiederum zwischen drei Graden der Übereinstimmung differenziert. Die Objektivität der Kodierungen wurde mit einer Doppelkodierung abgesichert (0,66 < κ < 0,78). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass aus naturwissenschaftsdidaktischen Videostudien insgesamt 388 Kriterien extrahiert und in Beziehung zum Syntheseframework gesetzt werden konnten. Insgesamt lässt sich, auf der allgemeinsten Ebene des Frameworks, ein hoher Grad an Überschneidungen zwischen naturwissenschaftsdidaktischen und eher generisch formulierten Perspektiven herstellen. Auf detaillierteren Ebenen zeigt sich, dass zahlreiche Kriterien spezifisch operationalisiert und in Form von „fachspezifischen Perspektivierungen“ dem Framework zugeordnet werden können. Auf dieser Grundlage präsentiert der Beitrag eine Systematisierung generischer und naturwissenschaftsdidaktischer Perspektiven auf Unterrichtsqualität. In der Diskussion wird aufgezeigt, dass diese Systematisierung disziplinenübergreifende Kommunikation ermöglicht und neue Impulse für die weitere naturwissenschaftsdidaktische Unterrichtsqualitätsforschung setzt

    Was ist Wissen, was ist Können? Deutungen des Kompetenzbegriffs und deren psychometrische Konsequenzen im Kontext von Fachwissen und Variablenkontrollstrategie

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    With regard to the correlation of science knowledge and the ability to apply the control-of-variables strategy, the present paper investigates whether conceptualizing the role of knowledge for competences differently can motivate different psychometric models and whether using these models may lead to different information in quantitative studies. Using a sample from a cross sectional study (n = 990) on the correlation of knowledge and the control-of-variables-strategy as part of experimental competence in physics, we compared the results of applying between- und within-item-IRT-models that refer to different conceptualizations. Based on quartiles of the competence distributions, we found that only 67.4% of the students will be categorized into the same quartiles. Moreover, the models lead to different information about the competence development across years as well as about gender differences. We discuss these findings with regard to basic research, to system monitoring and to the development of teaching practices focusing on competencesDer vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, inwiefern sich verschiedene Deutungen des Kompetenzbegriffs in psychometrische Modelle überführen lassen und welche Konsequenzen daraus für das Assessment in quantitativen Studien erwachsen könnten. Auf Grundlage von Verhältnisbestimmungen von deklarativem Fachwissen und prozessorientierten Kompetenzen werden dazu Between- und Within-Item-IRT-Modelle definiert und zur Re-Analyse eines Datensatzes einer Querschnittsstudie zur Variablenkontrollstrategie (n = 990) angewendet. Bei Betrachtung der Personenschätzer für die Kompetenzausprägungen, die aus den Modellen generiert werden, zeigt sich, dass ca. ein Drittel der Schülerinnen und Schüler, je nach Modell, unterschiedlichen Quartilen der Verteilung zugewiesen werden. Gleichzeitig wird deutlich, dass die Modelle zu unterschiedlichen Informationen hinsichtlich der Zunahme an Wissen oder prozessorientierten Kompetenzen über Jahrgänge hinweg wie auch hinsichtlich von Geschlechterunterschieden in der Kompetenzausprägung führen können. Die Ausprägungen prozessorientierter Kompetenzen von Mädchen fallen aufgrund oder vielmehr trotz des (im Mittel) geringeren Fachwissens höher aus, wenn der Psychometrie ein unabhängiges, aber fachwissensrelatives Kompetenzverständnis zugrunde gelegt wird. Der Beitrag diskutiert diese Befunde mit Blick auf Konsequenzen für Grundlagenforschung, Systemmonitoring und Unterrichtsentwicklung

    A Closer Look into Recent Video-based Learning Research: A Comprehensive Review of Video Characteristics, Tools, Technologies, and Learning Effectiveness

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    People increasingly use videos on the Web as a source for learning. To support this way of learning, researchers and developers are continuously developing tools, proposing guidelines, analyzing data, and conducting experiments. However, it is still not clear what characteristics a video should have to be an effective learning medium. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of 257 articles on video-based learning for the period from 2016 to 2021. One of the aims of the review is to identify the video characteristics that have been explored by previous work. Based on our analysis, we suggest a taxonomy which organizes the video characteristics and contextual aspects into eight categories: (1) audio features, (2) visual features, (3) textual features, (4) instructor behavior, (5) learners activities, (6) interactive features (quizzes, etc.), (7) production style, and (8) instructional design. Also, we identify four representative research directions: (1) proposals of tools to support video-based learning, (2) studies with controlled experiments, (3) data analysis studies, and (4) proposals of design guidelines for learning videos. We find that the most explored characteristics are textual features followed by visual features, learner activities, and interactive features. Text of transcripts, video frames, and images (figures and illustrations) are most frequently used by tools that support learning through videos. The learner activity is heavily explored through log files in data analysis studies, and interactive features have been frequently scrutinized in controlled experiments. We complement our review by contrasting research findings that investigate the impact of video characteristics on the learning effectiveness, report on tasks and technologies used to develop tools that support learning, and summarize trends of design guidelines to produce learning video

    Learning analytics and the Universal Design for Learning (UDL): A clustering approach

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    In the context of inclusive education, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework used worldwide to create learning opportunities accessible to all learners. While much research focused on the design and students' perceptions of UDL-based learning settings, studies on students’ usage patterns in UDL-guided elements, particularly in digital environments, are still scarce. Therefore, we analyze and cluster the usage patterns of 9th and 10th graders in a web-based learning platform called I3Learn. The platform focuses on chemistry learning, and UDL principles guide its design. We collected the temporal usage patterns of UDL-guided elements of 384 learners in detailed log files. The collected data includes the time spent using video and/or text as a source of information, working on learning tasks with or without help and working on self-assessments. We used Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to identify relevant factors in the observed usage behaviors. Based on the factor loadings, we extracted features for k-means clustering and named the resulting groups based on their usage patterns and learner characteristics. The EFA revealed four factors suggesting that learners remain consistent in selecting UDL-guided elements that require a decision (video or text, tasks with or without help). Based on these four factors, the cluster analysis identifies six different groups. We discuss these results as a starting point to provide individualized learning support through further artificial intelligence applications and inform educators about learner activity through a dashboard

    Epistemic Beliefs in Science—A Systematic Integration of Evidence From Multiple Studies

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    Recent research has integrated developmental and dimensional perspectives on epistemic beliefs by implementing an approach in which profiles of learners’ epistemic beliefs are modeled across multiple dimensions. Variability in study characteristics has impeded the comparison of profiles of epistemic beliefs and their relations with external variables across studies. We examined this comparability by integrating data on epistemic beliefs about the source, certainty, development, and justification of knowledge in science from six studies comprising N = 10,932 German students from elementary to upper secondary school. Applying latent profile analyses to these data, we found that profiles of epistemic beliefs that were previously conceptualized were robust across multiple samples. We found indications that profiles of epistemic beliefs homogenize over the course of students’ education, are related to school tracking, and demonstrate robust relations with students’ personal characteristics and socioeconomic background. We discuss implications for the theory, assessment, and education of epistemic beliefs. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Unterrichtsqualität in den Naturwissenschaften. Eine vergleichende Gegenüberstellung von Ansätzen zwischen Fachspezifik und Generik

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    What constitutes to good science teaching and to which extent should criteria of instructional quality be considered subject-specific or generic are fundamental questions within educational research. Currently, a consensus about the necessity to differentiate and add domain-specific criteria to the broadly used basic dimensions of teaching quality, classroom management, constructive support and cognitive activation has emerged in science education. However, there are many approaches to differentiate and add to the three basic dimensions. In the context of this contribution, three approaches of instructional quality were selected and compared in order to arrive at a comprehensive picture from the perspective of the natural sciences. For this purpose, the three science specific approaches were compared with regard to the purpose of use, the theoretical foundation and the operationalization of individual criteria of instructional quality. Subsequently, the criteria used in one approach were transferred into the other two approaches to compare their compatibility. Five categories were identified, which can be used for a future systematic comparison with other approaches. The article thus presents a possibility to systematically relate different research approaches of instructional quality to each other in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of instructional quality.Die Frage danach, was einen guten naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht ausmacht und die Frage, inwiefern Unterrichtsqualitätsmerkmale fachspezifisch oder generisch betrachtet werden müssen, sind grundlegende Fragestellungen mit denen sich die Unterrichtsqualitätsforschung beschäftigt. Inzwischen zeichnet sich in den Naturwissenschaftsdidaktiken ein breiter Konsens ab, dass die drei Basisdimensionen der Unterrichtsqualität, Klassenführung, konstruktive Unterstützung und kognitive Aktivierung, fachspezifisch ausdifferenziert und ergänzt werden müssen. Zur konkreten fachspezifischen Ausdifferenzierung und Ergänzung existieren in den Naturwissenschaftsdidaktiken jedoch unterschiedliche Ansätze. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages wurden exemplarisch drei Ansätze zur fachspezifischen Ausdifferenzierung von Unterrichtsqualitätsmerkmalen herausgegriffen und vergleichend betrachtet, um so zu einem umfassenden Bild aus der Perspektive der Naturwissenschaften zu gelangen. Dazu wurden die drei Ansätze aus dem naturwissenschaftlichen Fachbereich hinsichtlich des Verwendungszwecks, der theoretischen Fundierung und der Operationalisierung einzelner Qualitätsmerkmale verglichen. Anschließend wurden die in einem Ansatz genutzten Qualitätsmerkmale jeweils in den beiden anderen Ansätzen verortet. Hierbei konnten fünf Kategorien herausgearbeitet werden, die für einen zukünftigen systematischen Vergleich mit weiteren Ansätzen genutzt werden können. Der Beitrag stellt somit eine Möglichkeit vor, unterschiedliche Forschungsansätze zur Unterrichtsqualität systematisch aufeinander zu beziehen, um so ein umfassendes Bild der Unterrichtsqualität zu erhalten
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